Join Us
Joining us for the first time
If you’d like to come along to one of our runs in Manchester, please email our Co-Chairs in advance (co-chairs@manchesterfrontrunners.org). In your short message, please let us know when you’re planning on coming along and your level of running (i.e., desired distance, likely pace). Our co-chairs will also invite you to download and sign up to Spond, the app we use for internal club communications.

We invite those interested in running with us to try our Thursday or Saturday runs, as these are the more social sessions. On your first runs with us, we’ll match you up with a buddy to show you the route and provide you with a proper welcome to our club. We offer approximate 5/7.5/10 km options, and your buddy will run at your pace, not theirs. Most people who join us can already run at least 5 km. If you’re just starting out, we run a Couch-to-5K course in the autumn, which will build your fitness so you can easily run or jog 5 km. Outside of that time, we suggest downloading a Couch to 5k app.
You can also follow our Facebook and Instagram to see more about what our LGBTQ+ running club gets up to in Manchester and beyond. In addition to these and Spond, we have a private Facebook Group that we advise new members to join if they can. Please feel free to ask us any other questions.
Joining the club
We advise new people to come to a few Thursday or Saturday sessions before deciding whether to enrol as a member so that you get to know the running club better and find out if it’s right for you. If you’re a longer established runner, then you are welcome to also try one of our Tuesday track sessions at some point.
If you decide to join the club, please ask Club Secretary Jono Guildford for a Membership Form, either at a club session or via email at secretary@manchesterfrontrunners.org.

We offer reduced membership fees for people on lower incomes, and a second claim option for people with an active membership at another England Athletics affiliated club (their first claim club).
Membership requires renewal each April regardless of joining date; however new members (if new to EA) joining after 1st January do not need to renew until April the following year.
Membership benefits:
Automatic membership to England Athletics – which entitles you to UK Athletics insurance, plus a £2 discount on all races under UK Athletics rules
Discounted registration at EuroGames through our membership of the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
Discounts in specialist running shops (e.g., Up & Running offer a 10% discount on non-sale items)
Discounted entry to the Manchester Regional Arena during their club training times; this is where the club track sessions are held every Tuesday
New members get their first MFR running vest FREE, plus the opportunity to purchase other items of MFR branded kit
Free training sessions and sports advice/coaching
Eligibility to represent MFR at team events such as local cross country and championship races
Access to the closed Facebook Group – for news, updates, and chat
Invitation to social and activity events such as the club’s annual holiday abroad, bi-annual training weekends, camping trips in the UK, and local events such as meals, drinks, ten-pin bowling, theatre trips, countryside walks etc.